Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Me the Palm Tree

Dear Presedent Roosevelt,

I am a little palm tree. It looks as though that Pearl Harbor has been drastically bombed. It seems the Japanese people have bombed us good. They want to cripple us Mr. Roosevelt we need to get them back in some way. We need to show them the extent of our power, to show them what they are dealing with.
We are a very powerful country. We need to show the Japanese that. The Japanese people should know they have made a mistake and they will regret what they have done.
I looked over and and saw the most horrifying and amazing explosion in the sky. The afteramth was devastating. I will never forget the terrible images I saw that day. From where i stood on the beach i saw poor little battleships burning to death. There was a distinctive red dot on the underside of the planes wings. At that moment i knew that we were under attack by the Japanese.

Monday, December 3, 2007


I think war is necessary sometimes. Sometimes you have to tell a country that what they are doing isn't right and then you have to intervene and put a stop to whatever they are doing that's wrong. If they don't cooperate and think about what is best for the rest of the world then I think that they should be given some kind of warning. If they don't take the hint then i believe that they only need to be warned once. After they understand what they are doing and realize its wrong then another, stronger country should step in and punish them. All the countries need to work together. War is necessary only sometimes, its best to just be avoided. Nobody likes war and I think that if it is possible to avoid the conflict then that is the best thing to do, maybe work it out another way.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Dear your Royal Highness,

I, Vasco De Gama, would like to embark on a journey to the far east by sea. I would like to do this so that we don't have to worry about paying more money for goods that are transported over land. I would like to venture to the far east to bring back spices and various other goods to our country. I am planning to sail around the the tip of Africa, and I am hoping to depart from port on February 1, 1497. My plan is to sail all the way around the Cape of Good Hope and make it to the far east within at least three years. I am writing to you, my king, in hope of persuading you to help cover the expenses during our excursion. You will be very pleased with our discoveries by bringing in gold, spices, spreading Christianity and becoming victorious and bringing glory to all of Portugal. We will be sailing a very large Caravel and we will also bring a compass on our journey. Please consider helping us bring the three G's to our country.

Vasco De Gama
January 11, 1496

Space Dude

If someone asked me to go into deep space, and I was already an astronaut, then I would probably say yes. I think being an astronaut would be cool. The planets would probably be named after me or something, or maybe just be named the first guy that walked on them. Then again I might get plenty of money and credit. I think that's what I would rather get. Dangerous things that nobody knows about could be in deep space. Say if some kind of alien thing tries to steal my food, I would probably hit it with something, and make it mad then it would try to bite me. Those risks would be bad, but I'm willing to take them. Another thing is that I won't know how much food and other things I might need when venturing out into the great unknown. If this were really an opportunity to me, then I would definitely take it for the experience. It sounds really fun, and I would most likely enjoy it. If I really had a chance like this, I would definitely not turn it down because I would regret it if something at the last minute changed my mind.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Printing Press now?

Yea ummmm well I think that the most modern thing to help since the printing press is gonna be a laptop. The computer has helped us a lot but laptops help a a lot more I think because you can take your work with you. Its so awesome I used to have a laptop but my hard drive fried and burned up. but yes the laptop is awesome and i think that the Internet has helped carry information for a long time, a lot of information too. So i guess the Internet is an awesome invention also. If we didn't have that then I think we all would be a lot more stupid.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Well first off i know that Carpe Diem means seize the day, i agree completely with this statement and i always wake up and get out of bed and seize the day. If u got out of bed everyday and said I'm ready to die then that would be ridiculous, everybody should want to seize the day because thinking about it should make u want to have a good day and not a bad one.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Our Religion Trip

First we visited the Mosque and learned about the Islamic religion. When we got there we had to take off our shoes as a symbol of respect to Allah. The rug that we stood on was really soft and the building was pretty small and there were little columns in the shape of rectangles printed in the rug. They were for each person to come and worship in their own little space. We met the prayer leader whose name was Hisham Ahmed. He taught us a great deal about Islam and their practice.

The second place we visited was Congregation Children of Israel place. We met Rabbi Gerson and he explained to us about the Jewish religion i learned a lot of stuff that i didn't know, for instance that beanie thing i used to call it, is called a Yamica. The synagogue was a nice place and it was very clean. The Torah scrolls had gold on them, i thought that was pretty cool.

The last place we visited was the Catholic church. That place was very quiet and barely anyone talked but this french lady. She was cool and she had lots of stuff to tell us and explain. The catholic church was a strict place and there was no horseplay around there. The sanctuary was big and had a lot of space in it. My favorite were the stained glass windows.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Why I think that there are RELIGIONS

Well if u ask me I think religions have a lot to do with what people are taught when they grow up and what their families believe. That's not always the case though because some people believe what they want and are stubborn and don't want to believe anything else. I think religions exist because it gives people some understanding of why they are here on Earth. Some people might not know what they believe and they are still trying to find a religion that enlightens them. I think that these people should ask themselves why do they think that there are religions too. To some people religion is their life, while to others could care less. My point of view on religions is to give people understanding.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mythical Dragons

I learned from what Ive read on mythical dragons that there are many differences between classical dragons and the Chinese dragons. Flying without wings, having shape shifting abilities, and their well known benevolent behavior. Ive also learned that the Chinese dragon is made up of nine entities, a camels head, demon eyes, ears of a cow, horns of a stag, a snake neck, the belly of a clam, eagle claws, feet of a tiger, and 117 scales of a carp. I thought this was a very interesting subject that kept me entertained for the whole time i did this activity. I read lots of stuff on dragons to write this and I guess dragons aren't as stupid as i thought they were after all. This reading has told me that dragons are a big part of Chinese civilization and culture.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What it means to be civilized

I think being civilized is based on different peoples opinion. Because we all dont live in the same place at the same time people are bound to think some things are civilized while others might think differently. I believe where you live might have an effect on what other people think. To me being civilized is when you act normal and you are obedient and you dont eat certain foods with your hands. Of course other people probably have other opinions so dont criticize my thinking other people.