Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Me the Palm Tree

Dear Presedent Roosevelt,

I am a little palm tree. It looks as though that Pearl Harbor has been drastically bombed. It seems the Japanese people have bombed us good. They want to cripple us Mr. Roosevelt we need to get them back in some way. We need to show them the extent of our power, to show them what they are dealing with.
We are a very powerful country. We need to show the Japanese that. The Japanese people should know they have made a mistake and they will regret what they have done.
I looked over and and saw the most horrifying and amazing explosion in the sky. The afteramth was devastating. I will never forget the terrible images I saw that day. From where i stood on the beach i saw poor little battleships burning to death. There was a distinctive red dot on the underside of the planes wings. At that moment i knew that we were under attack by the Japanese.

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